Wondering was I
in this path of mine
filled with flowers in radiant hue
Wearing a crown
an elegant gown, colored blue
Yes, princess I am
with a face that makes a man crawl
a body that melts his soul
I acquainted a thorn on my way
it pierced my feet and drew blood away
Late nights gave me shrieking terror
Hearing dirty words
Sensing libidinous thoughts
Realizing, his game was an endless error
‘twas winter
cold wind
heavy rain
‘twas winter
black shadow
A vile plot and I
with a scarlet knife
I closed my eyes
wishing the time would pass by
I desired to wear a mask
that gives darkness to universe,
makes every mirror shatter
No one will ever glance
A mask…
that I never had even once
My path of bliss is now in despair
A glimpse of melting shelter
The hands that wiped my tears
The hearts that erased my fears
This home…
I started releasing
My fate uncovers an asylum
odd solicitude holds this room
I am in a castle
where sunflowers shine to see
a tangerine dress embraces me
Princess, am I? Nay!
I am a queen, blithe and captive.