Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Be careful of what you say. Our tongue is powerful; the words that come out from it may encourage or discourage, or it may destruct or construct someone who is down. There is power of life and death in the tongue.
In the fable “Two Frogs,” the power of words is given emphasis. In the beginning of the story, two frogs who fell into a deep pit did their best to get out of it. They were told by the other frogs to stop from jumping out of the pit because they were good as dead already. The other one stopped, while the other continued until he got out of the pit.
The deep pit here symbolizes problem. Sometimes, in our journey we face different struggles that we even almost surrender without giving a good fight like what the other frog did. We lack self-confidence and we just simply listen to what others say toward us. We sometimes believe in them than in ourselves, than in our capabilities. We should always remember that we know who we are than what others know about us.
The other frogs in the story tell us that in this world, there are people who will push us down when we are into problems. Instead of pulling us up, and giving us encouragement, they prefer to push us more into the deep pit. Let us not turn our backs from them, and never let them manipulate the future of our life. There unceasing cries telling the two frogs to stop from jumping out are words that are so powerful. And it is up to us if we will listen to them, or not. If we are one of these frogs, we should always keep in our minds that there is always power of life and death to every word we utter toward someone. Let us all be sensitive to every word that come out from our mouth.
Speak life to those people who come our way. Life, in a way that we give them hope and encouragement. We do not know the capacity and capability of the other people, yet we can help them through our words. Sometimes, it is hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. It can be a medicine to those who are down and can help them make it through the day. The power of words… Blessed are those who take time to encourage other people through the power of words.