Wondering why people get drained when tasks pile up and up
When they run out of breath when hooked with deadlines
When buddies come with sunken faces and sad moods …
Confusion .
Anxiety – attacks !
Loneliness deeply looms …
We long for …
A sigh of relief as someone taps our shoulder.
A short note with an assuring word of support
A sincere smile from a dear colleague
What if, we opt to …
Go to the beach and feel its wind-soothing breeze
Touch its smooth sand and plunge into its cool splash.
Feel the ambiance and magic of nature’s loveliness.
Enjoy a cup of brewed coffee or a glass of red wine
Meditate thoughts along with a relaxing jazz music.
Revive oneself with a deep satisfying sleep.
Then, decide …
To go on despite the complexities of daily life
To walk an extra foot of sharing good vibes with friends
To live each day with recharged energy
Let go of the aches and pains of inequalities.
Move on with a forgiving heart.
Cheer up and face each daybreak with a hopeful mind.