The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the order of events among billions of people around the world since its first human cases were first reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019. Faiths that were shattered by series of misfortunes in the past are now restored and are even becoming deeper as this contagion remains to scare everyone. As number of positive cases continually shoot, our anxieties also spike in bigger proportions, creating visions of doubts on a sweeping scale day by day.
The presence of authorized vaccines in our country today does not wither the fact that we still grapple in putting an end to our increasing number of COVID-19 cases. Though the Department of Health (DOH) has started rolling out its vaccination programs among our health workers in several medical facilities across the country, an easy demise of the disease would still be a dream given the new COVID-19 variants of concern looming every corner of our streets again. Thus, the period of uncertainty which begins to dissipate just as COVID-19 vaccines touched down our land, is creeping in and lounging in our midst once more. Like a ghost, it refuses to die. We can only wish to see that glimmer of hope shining through our fear.
As a form of defense, we are reminded every day to follow safety protocols such as keeping distance from each other while we are outside doing errands or in our workplaces conforming to our respective jobs, so we won’t contact ourselves with the disease. Like a broken record, we are repeatedly advised to wear facemasks and face shields anywhere we go, so we don’t give the virus the slightest chance to pin us down to our sickbed for weeks, months, or worse, to our grave.
For a time, there was panic buying of bath and laundry soaps in supermarkets and convenience stores, as proper handwashing is strictly recommended by the DOH to help us prevent the spread of the disease. Grocery store owners took advantage of the demand for hygiene products so there was also hoarding of alcohol and other essentials in their establishments and later were sold to a hefty price. Houses were stocked with necessary household products. Rice dispensers were filled to the brim, refrigerators were lodged with essential drinks and other storages were kept with ready-to-eat foods. Indeed, the DOH, in several newspapers, radio and television stations and all social media platforms would tell us to keep ourselves clean and strong everyday as the virus is no match to a healthy body but would also emphasize that we stay home if going out is unnecessary because that is the best protection from the virus. Social distancing has become the new normal, the word of mouth from one corner to another, a warning in place when complacency hits the road day and night.
However, distancing is not new to us. In fact, it has been there since the time we became aware of the world around us. There are many things or instances that we distance ourselves from, especially from people we meet or for some reasons from our friends whom we shared some of our personal little secrets with. This is because we want to treat ourselves with inner peace than suffer the agony of entertaining their negative impact to us.
We distance ourselves from people who are vexations to our spirit, good at commodifying the sleeping evils in us than activating our saintly gestures for everyone to adore and follow. They are more dreaded than the virus. They would come in our loneliest days piercing the dagger deep and down the wound where pain is most unbearable.
We also keep ourselves away from people who only know we exist because of the amount of goodwill they get from us, sourced out from the usual generosity we show them and not because we truly matter. Love and care are a sham to these opportunists who wear their true intentions with a sheepskin’s clothing. They shed the crocodile tears to also feel our pain but they laugh in secret. They beckon us into their tight embrace but with gritted teeth, a clenched fist and a grin from ear to ear. Our every misfortune becomes their happiness, our tears their victory and our losses their gains because there is nothing more wonderful than seeing us wounded and slowly dying in misery.
Time would always tell the truth as to who among our acquaintances always wants to own the world, the royal highness wannabes, the diva complex. We also avoid them because we always want to see humility in the playing field rather than suffocate ourselves with arrogance that permeates the air. If no man is an island, then nobody owns the world from among us.
They are some of the few we want to give a glance and a smile from a far because keeping their company is too much of a good thing.
There is still more to distancing than meets the eyes. At times, we would take a time out from our workloads before they take their toll on us, either at home or at work. We would also loosen up the baggage on our shoulders when it slows down our progress or when it is becoming more of a task than of a passion. We would temporarily take a different route to reflect whether we still derive satisfaction from within or we don’t.
Many times, we would also want our brains closed to any negative thought so it would not derail a successful plan whether for personal growth or just for peace of mind. Any social media platform to this day cuddles toxicity of any form, be it about politics, fashion, showbusiness or even about personal grudges which the world does not deserve to know. We avoid them because we don’t want to see tough times walking with us. We don’t want a sudden brain shut off.
Also, in some relationships when logical decisions are overlooked among couples, it’s necessary that they put a space between them for a while to assess what went wrong and why their being together is becoming unsatisfying. And decide from there either they give themselves another chance or cut the ties that bind them for their own good and tranquillity. Even between friends, when requirements in making friendships last, such as trust, commitment, patience and constant communication are not met, one would call it quits and move on before they are drained to their core.
Food and lifestyles are also sometimes set aside when one’s health is put to a test. When they become barriers to our fitness goals because our health preferences are at risk, we easily say no to them because we want to make ourselves some big changes, we race against time because it is of the essence in making ourselves healthier and happier again.
We also distance ourselves from the temptations of travels, shopping, or unnecessary purchases, because we leave fractions of our savings for more important things such as investments, our children’s education, building our family a comfortable dwelling and other basic needs or we prepare them for emergency purposes.
When we want to escape and forget, for a moment, the harsh and malicious realities of the world, we listen to music, we watch movies, we read, we laugh, we daydream and we sleep. Time forgotten of the unforgiving world is a form of self-care and self-love because we can’t do so much but to prioritize our well-being and happiness. We all want to dwell on the basics when things are hard to bear. The best things on earth become immaterial when they are not rooted from the heart.
However, other than all these complexities which we have been distancing ourselves from for years, what we want completely is to bring back the happy and worry-free days again ; to walk the streets again without facemasks and face shields on, to walk the streets again without fear of the pandemic, to walk the streets again freely with our friends and our loved ones , to go anywhere in the world, to bring back the world to its proper order… Let us distance ourselves from the virus so we can show the world our authentic smiles or our old normal again.